Dark Gathering is a horror anime series created and drawn by Kenichi Kondo and serialized in Shueisha’s shonen manga magazine Jump Square starting March 4, 2019. anime and can be watched on HiDive. The story revolves around Keitaro Gentoga, a college freshman who hates demons but has the ability to love them. As part of his recovery, Keitaro works part-time as a private tutor, and his first student is Eiko’s cousin, Yayoi Hozuki, who also has the same thoughts as Keitaro.
Atmosphere of Horror
Dark Gathering is known for its atmosphere of horror achieved through the combination of dark images, themes and features. The film balances dark themes with captivating moments of drama, making it an enjoyable and entertaining read. Directed by Hiroshi Ikehata and written by Shigeru Murakoshi, the anime adaptation has a dark sky and is produced by OLM, with music by Kota Yamamoto, Shun Narita and Yusuke Seo.
Character Dynamics
The characters in Dark Gathering are another strength of the series. Keitaro, Yayoi, and Eiko’s relationship is built on their shared interest in the supernatural and their own struggles with the consequences of their abilities. Although the characters deal with the darker side of the story, they are likable and relatable.
“Dark Gathering” received positive reviews for its terrifying atmosphere and great acting. The comic was nominated in the print category at the 6th Next Manga Awards and has sold over 1 million copies both physically and digitally. Anime adaptations are also popular, with fans enjoying the darkness and character development.
In conclusion, “Dark Gathering” is a scary, atmospheric film that blends horror and action drama. The adaptation maintains the essence of the original comic while providing viewers with visuals and emotions. If you’re a fan of dark horror-themed stories, Dark Gathering is definitely worth checking out.